Advantages Of Using A GERD Surgeon New York

By Frances Bennett

Gastroesophageal reflux disorder is a disease that affects many people, with some of them not even knowing that it is dangerous. If you a heartburn problem that concerns you regularly, you may be suffering from the disorder. It usually happens when liquid or food travels back from your stomach to your esophagus. The good news is that it can be treated. Numerous physicians specialize in treating the disease with some of the best methods available. Here is everything you need to know about gastroesophageal reflux and its treatment from the best GERD surgeon New York has.

Gastroesophageal reflux disease is usually caused by the passage of acidic content from your stomach through a weakened valve. The material then flows into the esophagus and creates a burning effect. When bile or the acid flows backward, it can damage the linings of the throat. The condition can cause you a profound adverse impact on your life.

Be keen on the symptoms. With symptoms that are often taken for granted, you should be careful when you experience them. They may include dental erosion, heartburn, bad breath, sore throat, shortness of breath, chest pain, or even change in voice. Other symptoms include asthma, hoarseness, painful swallowing, regurgitation, and even cough.

The condition can be managed without surgery. In cases where surgery is not necessary, the disease can be handled by medication. The doctor will prescribe to you the right medication to control the situation. Similarly, if poor lifestyle has caused the problem, the doctor may give you the advice to stop certain kind of habits and to start adopting others.

The most effective procedure to control this disease is the minimally invasive surgery known as laparoscopic Nissen fundoplication. The surgeon uses a narrow tube-like instrument to act as a portal into your abdomen. The specialist will also insert a laparoscope into your internal organs for viewing. It will help you get back to your normal life without leaving you with much pain.

They use the most suitable procedure for you. Depending on the intensity of your problem, they will always find the best process to use to treat you. During the minimally invasive practice, the specialist will install support for the weakened part at the lower esophageal sphincter. The doctor will achieve this by wrapping the upper part of the stomach near the esophagus.

The procedure has more advantages over the open operation procedure. Some of them include shorter hospital stay, faster recovery, quicker return to normal activities, less blood loss, and less pain and scarring. You are also exposed to a lesser risk of wound infection. You will be ready to resume your regular duties within forty-eight hours after the procedure is completed.

If the laparoscopic Nissen fundoplication is not suitable for you, the doctor will look for an alternative treatment method for you. This procedure is not necessarily ideal for everybody. Even though it is less dangerous than the open operation surgery, it is still not appropriate for some people. However, you can always find the best procedure for you.

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