Use Soy Products For Hot Flashes

By Annette Caruso

Unpleasant symptoms accompany menopause for millions of women. Sudden rises in body temperature and 'night sweats' are among the most common complaints. Prescription drugs and artificial hormones can help mitigate the severity of these symptoms, but they have side effects that cause concern. Many women prefer to use soy shakes for hot flashes and other signs of hormonal imbalance.

Hot flashes happen as hormones begin to decline with age. A lack of estrogen is the main cause. As the body becomes deficient in this hormone, the pituitary gland release LH, or luteinizing hormone. This hormone does not boost estrogen levels, but it does cause an expansion of blood vessels in the face, neck, and torso. This raises body temperature and activates sweat glands. This reaction to LH can be uncomfortable and embarrassing.

There are substances called isoflavones in soybeans that the body can use as estrogen. These phytoestrogens, or plant estrogens, are bio-identical to human estrogen and can mitigate the effects of lowered hormones. The phytoestrogens are available in soy-based foods and supplementary powders or capsules.

There are many soy products on the market. Genistein is one of the most effective isoflavones in the soybean. This phytoestrogen has been extensively studied and shown to bind to estrogen receptors in the body in the same way that a woman's natural estrogen does. The bio-identical plant hormone is marketed as a single supplement for menopausal women.

There are other reasons for using soy foods and supplements besides suppressing annoying symptoms. When the system is low on needed hormones, it will absorb estrogen-like components of plastics and other modern chemicals. By consuming soy products, a woman can protect herself from these prevalent by-products of modern food packaging and processing. Since many of the chemicals are carcinogens, this is a wise practice.

Soy foods can be consumed, too; you don't have to take pills. However, it is the fermented soy that experts believe is beneficial and responsible for a lower rate of cancer in Japanese women. Soy milk is not as good a source of isoflavones as tempeh or tofu. The isolated soy protein found in energy bars is generally not fermented, although some of the higher quality products do contain fermented beans.

However, since westerners may not be familiar with or accustomed to fermented foods that boost the health of oriental peoples, supplements are valuable. There are many to choose from. Look for a reputable manufacturer and a product that has been clinically tested and proven effective.

Not all soybeans are healthy. Most of the beans grown in North America are genetically modified and are grown with heavy applications of herbicides. Reputable vitamin manufacturers and natural food producers will use only organic beans. The organic standards prohibit the application of chemicals to crops.

Supplements and ethnic foods should be part of a total health plan during menopause. Exercise, fresh air, lots of pure water, and a good stress reduction regimen are all important for well-being. Avoiding spicy foods, limiting caffeine, and eating fresh vegetables are other ways to a trouble-free transition from the childbearing years to the golden ones.

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